Monday, April 30, 2007

Yeah, titles???

I guess I'm not very good at the whole title thing, last time wasn't a deep pondering, oh well something to laugh about I suppose. I have decided that I will try and keep up with daily or every other daily posts. It will be a nice check system for me to make sure I'm processing life. A thought of the day.... you never really know just how much you miss family until you realize that you can' t just go hang out with them when you want. Not to mention you can' t be there for the little things that happen everyday or for the big battles when they need you on their side. Even though I am no where even close to graduating yet, I still am constantly thinking about what I will do once that crossroad is here. Seeing as how I still have to make it through sophomore year, no decisions will be made anytime in the future. Basically what I'm getting at is I miss home, I miss the craziness of taking kids where they need to go, work, school, church and friends. For some reason I miss it a lot. My life is much less hectic, well at least in the physical sense. Now I just have me to worry about, and after two years, it is still weird. I guess I don't even know my reasoning for posting this, I just felt that I should. Mom and Dad if you read this I'm sorry and I hope you'll forgive my stupidity, I shouldn't have said anything, it's not my place.
Well I shall close for now because I need to finish my homework and get to the bank before class. More will come tomorrow. Ciao!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A deep pondering...

So, I caved in and decided to do my own blog. My thoughts on this are that hopefully it will encourage some communication with my family, and to get feedback or input on things going on in my life or things I think about... Ya know the kind of ideas you should bounce off your friends... So I suppose an update on me is in order...
Last two weeks of school are here!! yippee!!!
I have moved into a house with some friends, which is wonderful compared to where I was living.
So far I have all A's, an accomplishment that I have yet to achieve in my lifetime.
The past few weeks have been pretty hard on me.
I think that I've done something that I shouldn't have.... and I'm not a person who regrets anything.
So here's the first one, hope you enjoy!
There will be more to come!